Chakra Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a well-known practice for balancing the body’s energy centers
through calming essential oils. It doesn’t get nearly as much attention as sound
healing and chakra color therapy massage puchong, but when used correctly it can be an amazing tool
for revitalizing your energy, soothing the soul and calming the mind. You can use
chakra aromatherapy in a variety of ways, such as applying oil blends to the body
for massage or using it in your diffuser to create a serene atmosphere in your home.

Essential Oils for Chakra: Heal and Balance with Aromatherapy - Fitsri
Each chakra has its own corresponding essential oil that can be applied directly to
the skin or infused into products you use, like inhalant sprays, bath, hand and face
mists, and candles. The most common way to apply the oils is by inhalation. Simply
sniff the oil from the bottle or add a drop to your hands and inhale deeply to help
balance and center yourself. You can also use the aroma to assist with visualisation,
meditation or strengthening affirmations.
The root chakra is associated with the earth element and relates to your sense of
stability, especially in terms of finances and relationships. Essential oils that are
useful in balancing this chakra include vetiver, orange and ylang ylang. The sacral
chakra relates to your creativity and sensuality. You may experience difficulties
when your sacral chakra is out of balance, such as creative blocks or menstrual
cramps. Oils that can energize this chakra include grapefruit and tangerine.
A healthy, open heart chakra encourages compassion and self-love. The key to
balancing the heart chakra is letting go of fear and resistance. Essential oils for the
heart chakra include neroli and rose, and also frankincense and eucalyptus, which
can stimulate the immune system.

Healing With Essential Oils: A Guide to Aromatherapy - Marin Magazine
The throat chakra is all about communication and expressing yourself authentically.
When it’s out of balance, you can find it difficult to communicate your feelings and
have trouble focusing on other people’s needs. Essential oils for the Throat Chakra
include blue chamomile and ylang ylang, which can promote a sense of tranquility.
Eucalyptus can soothe a sore throat and help you breathe easily.
If you’re unable to let go of your fears, you may have trouble connecting with the
fire chakra. The energy of this chakra connects to our inner flame and helps us move
through life with confidence. It can be aided by breathing exercises, visualising your
fear as water and releasing it into the sea or chanting the word Ram.
The third eye chakra is anchored in our intuition and ability to see beyond the
physical world. It can be balanced with essential oils that have a grounding and
spiritual fragrance, such as spruce, pine, frankincense and sandalwood.
If you want to clear your aura, try blending frankincense, ylang ylang, cedarwood,
sage and bergamot together into a magical blend for a sacred ritual that will calm
the spirit and cleanse the aura. Spritz the aroma around your neck and chest as you
sit in meditation to keep your aura cleansed throughout the day. You can also make
a simple chakra balance spray by mixing frankincense, lavender and eucalyptus with
water in a glass bottle.